Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Importance of Polite Speech in Maintaining Positive Relationships

            Throughout my life, politeness has been a very important factor in communication. From birth (practically) I was taught to always say please and thank you, and more recently, taught to always leave job interviews with the standard ‘it was nice meeting you, thank you so much for this opportunity’ speech (thanks, mom and dad!). As I have grown and matured, I have realized that polite speech has the unique ability to help establish meaningful connections with those around us, and most importantly, ensure that those connections are kept and maintained throughout our lives.
            Although the saying of ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ is wildly popular, humans tend to judge people all too quickly- so first impressions do in fact matter quite a bit. By forgoing the use of simple friendly phrases, unfortunately, you could be giving the impression that you do not respect or care about the person you are talking to. However, by employing such simple phrases such as ‘it’s nice to meet you’, the message is sent that you, the communicator, have a genuine interest and respect in whomever you are conversing with. When I had my first job interview, using friendly gestures was a top priority. This was vital because I needed to show my future employer that I truly was interested in working for them (spoiler alert, I did get the job!). After working for a couple of months, and repeatedly using phrases such as ‘have a good night’, my boss approached me and thanked me- for giving her faith in hiring high school students. As shocking as it was to hear this, it just goes to prove that using polite gestures does in fact help establish genuine relationships with those around you.

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for… time for a meme:

Customer: *walks up to register expecting a shorthanded greeting from the teenage cashier*

Me: Hi! It’s nice to see you again! What can I get started for you? *smiling*


Image result for surprised pikachu


  1. I like how you connected the topic to the polite gestures you do in your everyday life. I also liked how you used a common phrase to express how people judge each other. Being polite can lead to better first impressions. Good job Abby!

  2. I love the connection to your job, especially as a teen. There is often an assumption that high school students are not capable, but this post proves that assumption wrong, especially as you stated that your employer told you that your politeness reassured her faith in hiring teens. Also, I love the meme!

  3. I really liked how you connected this to your personal life to show how important it actually is to be polite to others, and the impact such a simple phrase has. I also like the meme lol

  4. I liked how your use of the parenthesis added voice!

  5. I really like the stance you took on this and how you discussed polite speech and first impressions. I also really liked the added bits in the parenthesis.


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