Friday, March 12, 2021

The Death of Duncan



It is with a heavy heart I announce the death of our beloved king, Duncan. It is unknown who has committed this deadly sin, but I have a few theories. Could it be his servants, who were found with a bloody knife? Or was it his son, Malcom, thirsty for power? That is what I seem to think.

Malcolm is nowhere to be found. After his father’s death, for an unknown reason, he fled into the unknown. 

    It is my impression that this was his doing. The servants were found dead, covered in blood, one of which was grasping the dagger that took the life from Duncan. But if the servants were dead, how could they have killed the king? Malcolm could have easily gone into his father’s chamber without alerting the servants and causing suspicion. He was gone by the morning, when the news broke. 

    Who else could have done it? Macbeth had far too much respect and loyalty to Duncan, and although he is fierce in battle he would never commit such a preposterous act- especially in his own home. Lady Macbeth probably would have fainted if it was him, and would easily turn him in. The only viable suspect is Malcolm. 


Since the morning of Duncan’s death, many more that were in line for the throne have suspiciously died. Banquo, whose children were prophesied to hold the throne, has also mysteriously perished.  But Macbeth, the most worthy for the throne, is thriving. Maybe I have framed the wrong suspect...

The Death of Duncan

  HARK! HARK! OUR KING HAS BEEN SLAIN! It is with a heavy heart I announce the death of our beloved king, Duncan. It is...