Sunday, February 9, 2020

Thoughts Behind "Just Walk on By"

Although I do agree that Staples reacted in a great way by choosing to keep calm, I find myself asking why this is an issue that people face. Why do people feel threatened by minorities? This is a question I have been asking myself for a long time. It is mindboggling that some people act as if anyone of a different race is a being from another planet when in reality there’s only a difference in where and how they were raised. 
 Image result for minority
After doing a little bit of research, the New York Times directed me to the fact that in some people, it's psychological. Put simply, white people are afraid of the United States becoming a “majority-minority nation” (Who’s Afraid of a White Minority?). This almost confuses me as the United States is a nation quite literally built from the result of immigration. On a smaller scale, we have our school. Troy High is very unique in that we are much like a cultural melting pot with many different minority groups represented. It’s unique to see a pretty culturally inclusive school compared to other schools I’ve been to, which demonstrates that a majority-minority nation isn’t so scary after all. In fact, I think it would be very beneficial and would cause people to be more accepting of others.
 Image result for minority
I think this fear stems back to a fear of change; however, this is a change that will happen with time- so I encourage anyone that might feel apprehensive to try to see their side of the story. After all, we can’t consider ourselves to be inclusive if we don’t include people that don’t look like us.


  1. Wow! It's interesting to know that a group with less power is feared by a more dominant population! Troy High is definitely unique in the fact that it's so diverse and I also agree that this diversity would help people to change for the better.

  2. I really liked the way you pulled in the way Troy High experiences minority versus the majority of the other schools in Michigan, and how it's actually caused people to be more open. I also thought you made an interesting point about being a majority and how it doesn't make sense to fear a minority

  3. I like how you didn't just blog about "Just Walk on By" but you also brought up a new topic of majority/minority to show the reason behind the fear white people hold.


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