Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Origin of the American Obsession With Self Image

            In our lives, social media is the center of everything. Whenever we go anywhere or do anything, even something as simple as eating, we have a compulsive need to share our lives with everyone. It can even be said, unfortunately, that such an obsession has transformed the 2010’s to an age of narcissism.
Image result for social media
various social media apps

            It all started with the selfie. Yes, even the age-old practice of taking pictures has transformed into an act of narcissism. The selfie, popularized in 2007 by none other than Paris Hilton, quickly took the world by storm and was even named the Oxford-English Dictionary’s word of the year in 2013. This act alone should tell anyone that American’s are self-obsessed. Shortly after this in 2010, the infamous app Instagram was launched, and in 2011 came Snapchat. These apps are what sent many American millennials off of the deep end.
Image result for time spent on social media
2020 statistics on time spent on social media
            And although social media apps were just a hobby at first, they now control the lives of many people- even providing income for those with a big following. There is, unfortunately, no doubt about the hobby's transformation into an obsession, as Social Upgrade Co. reports over 95 million posts and 400 million stories are posted daily, adding to the whopping 50 billion posts already uploaded. With the average person spending 2 hours and 22 minutes on social media per day, it’s no wonder self-image is an obsession among many. On that note, I’m going to get back to scrolling. See you all next Sunday!


  1. I like how you were able to use facts and statistics to give evidence towards your claim.

  2. I thought it was really cool how you gave the origin of the selfie because I had never thought about where it started and by who


The Death of Duncan

  HARK! HARK! OUR KING HAS BEEN SLAIN! It is with a heavy heart I announce the death of our beloved king, Duncan. It is...