Sunday, November 8, 2020

E- Jean Carter

 Jean Carter - E by mthwlawr on SoundCloud - Hear the world's sounds

In the song “E” by Jean Carter, a lot of emotions are conveyed- even the emotion of being emotionless. He continually mentions that he is “trying to find [his] way back to [her] in the dark”, hinting to confused feelings of love- maybe even one sided. He makes a very powerful statement using the phrase “I’ve been riding on E”, which really spoke to me. This lyric represents feeling emotionally drained. Feelings of confusion, being lost, sadness, and anxiety are all a big part of life during this pandemic (even though this song was written in 2019), and sadly I have felt emotional drainage more times than I probably should. Overall, though, this song is relatively upbeat- which confuses me. Maybe this upbeat melody is a sign of blissful ignorance. Jean Carter does imply this by writing lyrics such as “you just want a text back” and “you just want to see me”. This would be ignorance on his presumed lover’s end, though. She (or he) sounds as if she only cares about herself. She only wants texts from him, and she only wants to see him. She may not care about what he is going through, or how he feels. Going back to my original statement, this does in fact seem like a one-sided relationship. This is a great song, though… Listen below!

The Death of Duncan

  HARK! HARK! OUR KING HAS BEEN SLAIN! It is with a heavy heart I announce the death of our beloved king, Duncan. It is...