“the most obvious, ubiquitous, important realities are often the ones that are the hardest to talk about”
-David Foster Wallace
Unfortunately for us, Wallace’s quote proves to be true. Even though it is obvious that we should be unified, Americans often find themselves very conflicted. Whether it be over the latest news report or that penalty that shouldn’t have been called, we find conflict in everything. Even though the right answer may be obvious, we are too stubborn to admit when we are wrong. Bouncing off of Wallace’s idea of “natural, default thinking”, it seems America has swapped the thinking aspect for conflict. No matter what the issue is, Americans are always conflicted. Instead of escaping “default thinking”, we as Americans need to escape “default conflict”. We need unity.
Honestly, I believe that all Americans know that we need to unify over serious issues and abandon our stubbornness. However, I also believe that we all have fallen victim to the ‘leave it to someone else’ mindset. In other words, some may feel like the problem will resolve without their help because someone else will resolve it instead. In our case, this simply will not work.
This was so good! I especially liked when you mentioned how people refer to many prevalent issues in lives as "someone else's problem;" I think you effectively called out humanity in terms of our actions towards others. What are we really doing about global problems? Not even that--what are we doing for others, not just ourselves? I also really liked how you tied in patriotism: "it would heavily impact this country for the better." If we are to achieve unity and teamwork, it might as well be with our own country to begin with.